Our education platform helps the schools to improve the communication between all related actors to the educational system such as teachers, parents, students, and internal staff to provide better service via each actor in this system.
For example, the system helps teachers to interact, communicate, and deliver knowledge through smarter methods and channels to increase the value of knowledge and learning.
Similarly, for students, who have different channels to understand the curriculums and improve their skills in many other areas directly and indirectly such as communication skills, preparation of presentations, and homework.
For parents, it provides a great mechanism to follow up with schools and to reach out to the school administration easier via online meetings and smart applications. and much more.
direct and indirect benefits:
One window for all activities
Dashboard for Administration
Enforce control and policies implementation at all levels
Access Anywhere Anytime
Accurate & Instantly Reports
Expandable and able to integrate with wider platforms
Built-in integration with EhjezLE marketing platform